On the Conflicting Universals in Translation:

Translation as Performance in East Asia


Dates: 30 June – 2 July, 2022

Venue: Université Paris Cité,

  Campus des Grands Moulins

  Paris, France


Keynote speeches

July 1st, 17:30-19:30

Amphi Buffon, 13 rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris


Anne CHENG -  To Be or Not to Be Lost in Translation 

TAWADA Yôko -  境界を越えるための衣 -- 詩、翻訳、ジェンダ--

 [Dressing to Cross Borders: Poetry, Translation, Gender] (speech in Japanese with English translation)



Round table Discussion: Universal values through the lens of translation. 

July 2nd, afternoon

Bâtiment des Grands Moulins, 5 rue Thomas Mann

(Aile C, 4th floor, Room 479C)



Elisa Carandina (INALCO, France), Julie Duvigneau (INALCO, France), Nicolas Froeliger (Université Paris Cité), Claire Joubert (Université Paris 8), Nana Sato-Rossberg (SOAS, UK)  


Moderator: Cécile Sakai (Université Paris Cité)




The East Asian Translation Studies conference aims to provide a platform for translators and researchers working in the East Asian context to exchange ideas on issues related to translation. The first EATS conference held in June 2014 at the University of East Anglia, UK, generated vibrant discussions not only on theory and history, but also the translation practice and new trends in the field. The second conference at Meiji University, Japan, in July 2016 was a continuation of those dialogues, bringing into focus the notion of "East Asia", its role and influence on translation studies (TS). The third conference, hosted by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, in June 2019 explored the changing identities of East Asia observed in translation.

At the fourth conference (EATS4), to be held at Université Paris Cité in France, we wish to initiate meaningful discussions on how universals are handled in translation in the East Asian sphere. We welcome presentations and participation in discussion by both researchers and practitioners.

In her eulogy on translation (Éloge de la traduction, 2016), Barbara Cassin argues that translation by nature is against Logos, which is "someone's universal". Yet we know only too well the assimilative translations of the past that erase all traces of strangeness and turn the others into one of our own. Today, heading in the opposite direction, some scholars suggest that translation should go back to the "source" because the other is irreducible, and the language of the other is untranslatable–so much so that in current cultural studies debates, the translator is required to become the double of the author; either that or give it up entirely.

Given the interactions with the West in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, there have always been two main views on translation in the East Asian sphere: translation to build the new and the common, and translation to exalt particularity and distance. In fact, these attitudes also represent the political positions of the translating agents, therefore would change over time and shape the public discourse. In both cases, a stage is set for a performance of a foreign world, in which questions of the universal inevitably arise: Is there a common ground that allows translation to cross borders? Does translation convey universals? If so, what are they? Is translation in itself “universalizing”?





Organizers (in alphabetical order)

Nicolas Froeliger (Université Paris Cité)

Thomas Garcin (Université Paris Cité)

Gérald Peloux (CY Cergy Paris Université)

Cécile Sakai (Université Paris Cité)

Florence Zhang (Université Paris Cité)





Steering Committee

Dr Gloria Lee (SOAS, University of London)

Dr Nana Sato-Rossberg (SOAS, University of London)



SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE [in alphabetical order]

Prof Sungeun Cho (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

Prof Pierre Kaser (AMU/ IrAsia)

Prof Sharon Tzu-Yun Lai (National Taiwan Normal University)

Dr Robert Neather (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Prof Nicoletta Pesaro (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)

Prof Isabelle Rabut (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris)

Dr Akiko Uchiyama (The University of Queensland)

Prof Judy Wakabayashi (Kent State University)




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